Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, condensed, part 2 of 2

Aug 15, 2007 08:27

Thanks for the warm reception so far! Here is the second half, of which part one can be found here.
Part two. Spoilers, of course! )

harry potter, parody by me

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geekyfruitdork August 15 2007, 16:55:56 UTC
Everyone's shooting to injure and kill--except of course HARRY, who flings spells like Remembering You Had A Dentist Appointment Just Now, Developing An Itch On Your Left Butt Cheek, and Feeling Like You Just Walked Through A Spiderweb At Face Level.

OH MY GOD. I laughed so hard at this. Which really isn't a good thing since I am at work. Everyone thinks I'm crazy now but it was so worth it.


anndor August 15 2007, 17:34:17 UTC
Seconded. The spiderweb thing especially is the most hilarious thing I've read/seen/heard in recent memory.

Especially since I actually cringed and got the heebie jeebies as though I had actually just walked into one.


mollyringwraith August 19 2007, 04:54:23 UTC
Exactly--it would actually be a great spell!

Got the idea from one of those lists of non-words: Arachnidiot (ar ak ni' di ot) - n. A person, who, having wandered into an "invisible" spider web, begins gyrating and flailing about wildly.


anndor August 20 2007, 02:32:33 UTC
Oh I love that word. XD

I just wish "gyrating and flailing about wildly" was all I did after walking into them. Normally I recoil so badly that I lose my balance and nearly end up on my ass.


mollyringwraith August 22 2007, 18:43:48 UTC
Same here. I accidentally head-butted my baby once, who I was wearing in a front carrier, because I was trying to shake a spider out of my hair (which I'm not sure was actually there in the first place). Ow.


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