Bad news and good news from down under

Sep 05, 2006 21:30

Although the fandom world has had some sad news from Australia recently in the loss of everyone's favorite TV reptile wrangler, Steve Irwin, some of you will be glad to know that there is also good news from that quadrant of the world. Namely, a group of college students is planning to film a low-budget, informal version of my All-Slash All-the-Time version of 'Fellowship.' In New Zealand, no less!

Alice, the student who emailed me and got permission, has in turn granted me her permission to tell you folks about their plans, in the off chance that any of you are in the Wellington area and can help with sets, props, techie things, or convincing "heteroflexible" actors to snog their buddies just one more time for the sake of art. She was pretty funny, really, asking so politely and deferentially for my permission, saying she knew authors can be possessive about their work. Yes, this script in which I make fun of all possible slash pairings in the LOTR world, and have Legolas calling Aragorn "my widdle fuzzy rangerkins" (along with "filthy miserable whore"), is far too sacred and close to my heart for anyone else to tamper with it. Hee.

Anyway, if you're interested in helping, email me (writerofirony at earthlink dot net) and I'll hook you up with Alice's email. I will definitely keep you all informed if they finish this film and put it on YouTube. I've granted permission to several groups now, via email, to film my parody scripts, but never the all-slash version before. I've also never seen any of the finished films. Presumably someone would let me know if they were floating around out there.

Those of you who are not happy to hear this news can merely take it as another sign of the impending apocalypse. Thank you and goodnight.

lord of the rings, lj business, perviness

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