Lost: Gunfight at the OK-OMG-WTF Corral

May 04, 2006 09:35

In regards to last night's Lost, might as well go straight into spoilers.

I offer congratulations to Sawyer and his sweet dimples for being the first Lostaway male to kiss TWO other Lostaway females (counting only those who didn't know each other previous to the crash), but really, Ana/Sawyer? Whuh? Sure, she wanted a gun; okay. And you're telling me a CON MAN fell for that totally obvious ploy? Sawyer, you ignorant slut. Actually it's the writers I'm disappointed in, but hey--they surprised me with that ending.

Edit: Wait, I got it! Michelle Rodriguez learned her character was being killed off, so she asked for one last request: namely, a sex scene with Josh Holloway. Because really, who wouldn't?

So we're operating under the assumption that Michael got influenced or bought or possessed or something by The Others. Which also suggests his whole story about them being barefooted tent dwelling animals was not quite true. Meanwhile the number of women on the island keeps getting reduced. For Hurley's sake I hope Libby is not dead (maybe those were lead-lined wool blankets?), but Ana looks like toast. Hm.

Meanwhile, Jin is quite funny. And Jack is a jerk. Seriously, burn the last ten pages of someone's book, THEN ask for their cooperation? Nice diplomacy skills, dude.


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