Princess Bride/LOTR, v. 2.1

Sep 07, 2005 13:07

Øystein Bech Gadmar, ever patient and industrious, has taken into account several of the suggestions and nit-picks from the previously posted Princess Bride/LOTR crossover, and now presents to you a final (?) version, available and looking tidy at:

Tell your friends; bring your kids; spread the news. Great work, one and all.

In an unrelated note, my Tolkien calendar speaks today of the Dwarf-Road, and says, "The Edain entered Beleriand in this way, and so did bands of ravishing Orcs." Indeed.

ORC 1: Ashknughd, you look ravishing today! Is that a new breastplate?
ORC 2: Why, yes - thank you - it is. You like it? Really?
ORC 1: Adore it. Oooh, it's so leathery! What's it made of?
ORC 2: Roadkill. Fresh last week.
ORC 1: You find the best deals. I'm so jealous.
ORC 2: Oh, don't be silly. I so wish I had your hair.
ORC 1: No! This old mess? You do?
ORC 2: Absolutely. What do you use on it? Skunk fat?
ORC 1: Oh - just blood. Ox if I can get it; usually only squirrel.
ORC 2: Truly? Well, it looks fabulous on you! I wish mine did that.
ORC 1: Oh, you do not. You're such a flatterer.
ORC 2: No, I mean it! I think you're the ravishing one in our army. I've always thought so.

Yeah, okay, that's enough. *wanders off*

parody by others, lord of the rings, princess bride, parody by me

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