Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: preliminary notice

Jul 17, 2005 19:27


I have the book--poor mailman bloke must have gotten a back sprain from delivering all those copies on Saturday--but I will not post about it in any spoiler-containing way, nor invite discussion upon it, for another few days at least. I have not yet finished reading it, so I can't really give great spoilers at the moment anyway. Although some of you, apparently working on dangerous doses of caffeine, finished it by 6 a.m. yesterday morning, I would like to make a stand for those of us who are not on speed and are still reading, and state that in this journal we will wait a decent amount of time before flinging spoilers around.

Can you imagine if we'd been around when ROTK (the book) was released, and had been peer-pressured to read all of that in 6 hours or be uncool? The head hurts just thinking about it. Not merely because it's dense prose compared to HP, but because you'd be robbing yourself of its richness by giving it the all-nighter cram treatment.

I'll say this much, though: I'm enjoying HBP very much so far, and I've noticed Rowling's editing is much better this time around. It's like she listened to us. Which is perhaps why the book is 672 pages instead of 870.

And please: in the comments here, don't gloat and bounce and squee about having finished it already. That's what your own journal, and your spoiler-splattered friends' journals, are for. I have a very heavy hardback book here to smack you with if you disobey.

fandom wank, harry potter

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