Movies, movies, movies! (Mostly of the superhero/fantasy/cuteboy ilk)

Jul 12, 2005 20:19

*slides in through the side door to deliver a few squees on films and previews*

Firstly: saw Batman Begins, and quite enjoyed it. Christian Bale may be my favorite Batman yet. The doctor (Cillian Murphy) was one of the scariest villains I've seen in a while. Adored Gary Oldman, in his awkwardly-sweet role as young not-yet-Commissioner Gordon. Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman were excellent, of course. Katie Holmes was not annoying--it's a shame we're losing her to Scientology. (Don't drink the Kool-Aid, Katie! It's not too late!) The flashbacks of kidBruce losing his parents were genuinely sad; the comic relief moments were well placed and well delivered; and watching Bruce accumulate Batman technology from the storage closets of Wayne Enterprises was pretty darn cool. I wish there hadn't been so many chaotic martial-arts cinematography scenes. These days whenever we get huge amounts of unsteady-cam in a film, I sigh for the clear majestic battle scenes of LOTR, where you can see who's going where and who's winning and who's dying. But even so, I liked this film so well that I almost wrote a parody for it. Some snippets I would have used:

BRUCE: I can't just be a hero as myself, as a man. I would need some kind of disguise...
BRUCE: Something that would inspire fear...
BRUCE: A symbol of some sort, but what?
BRUCE: Oh well; I'll get some sleep and think about it.

DR. CRANE appears on screen
WOMEN IN AUDIENCE: Hey, he's cute.
(20 seconds later)
WOMEN: OK, evil, but cute.
(Five minutes later)
WOMEN: Aaaaghh! Freaky! Not cute, not cute! Scary!

AUDIENCE: So, if this weapon vaporizes all water in the vicinity, wouldn't it kill all human beings too, since our bodies are largely water?

(At the end)
GORDON: By the way, I never said "Thank you."
BATMAN: Aww... don't you know love means never having to say "Thank you"?

Anyway, that's all you get, as I'm busy. ;)

Previews I have seen recently and am excited about:

King Kong! Sweet! Have to be honest: I never thought it sounded very exciting. But to judge from the trailer, PJ did a fine job scraping us some excitement for us. (And some dinosaurs, evidently. Hmmm.)

The Brothers Grimm. Given Terry Gilliam's usual style, we are surely in for a weird and wild ride with this one. But I'm a sucker for weirdness and goofiness, and thus it made me grin. Would NEVER have recognized Heath Ledger. They nebbished him all up.

Elizabethtown. This I include for the Orli fangirls. It is very odd to hear Orlando Bloom speaking in an American accent. He looks fabulous, though, naturally; and given that it's a Cameron Crowe film, it might just be a cut above the average dorky chick-flick.

Do not speak to me of the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory trailer. I love Depp and Burton, but the look of that one is freaking me the hell out.

batman, movies misc, parody by me

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