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mollyringwraith May 22 2005, 04:14:08 UTC
Ergh. It would have taken 20 seconds, Lucas! Throw us a crumb, here! *sigh* Oh well. Probably on his extended DVD version or something. :)


bantha_fodder May 22 2005, 04:17:41 UTC
Did they go the same way as the plans to show Padme starting the rebellion? Which would apparently have been of no interest to anyone?


gabsy May 22 2005, 04:25:48 UTC
They decided to have her die in childbirth instead, and that gives Leia one of the msot amazing memory ever, because she supposedly remembers her some 20 years later.


darthbeckman May 22 2005, 16:15:27 UTC
The fans are explaining that one away by saying it's part of Leia's strength with the Force.


barbara83 May 26 2005, 13:57:42 UTC
I assumed that she may have been referring to her adopted mother after watching Episode III.


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