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sopdetly May 22 2005, 04:09:39 UTC
And also, why does that droid have a cough? Of all the things to go wrong with a droid, lung problems seem among the unlikeliest.

I asked Sara about this. She'd seen in a book at B&N that Grievous is a cyborg, so he's part-human. So I suppose they were trying to say "Look! There's something more to this robot than...robotics..." *shrug*


mollyringwraith May 22 2005, 04:12:03 UTC
Ah - yeah, I wondered if it had something to do with the flesh-like organ we got a glimpse of, when Obi-Wan sliced him open. Not the most effective droid, then...susceptible to both kinds of viruses. *grin*


darthbeckman May 22 2005, 16:13:56 UTC
As in all things, the book was better at explaining everything. Grievous was in an accident (arranged by Palpatine and Dooku) that left him mangled and dying. He was "saved" by having his head and vital organs transferred to a robotic body.


gabsy May 22 2005, 04:16:37 UTC
Ohh, which would explain why he seemed to have a "heart" under all the metal during the fight with Obi-Wan!


oloriel May 22 2005, 11:21:13 UTC
It's explained in the Clone Wars series, my brother says. I've only seen the first 22 episodes of that, so I can't say...


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