Lion! Witch! Wardrobe!

May 09, 2005 12:48

It feels so good to say this again:

Is it December yet?(Don't know why? Narnia, that's why ( Read more... )


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senea May 9 2005, 20:10:40 UTC
Hey, whether or not it's going to stick to Christian allegory is beside the point for me -- it looks like it's going to be supremely cool! And, unless I'm mistaken, it seems that the same actress who played the angel Gabriel in Constantine is playing the Witch...


mollyringwraith May 9 2005, 20:28:24 UTC
It does look very cool. Good ol' Weta workshop. :) I would wish them to stick to the source material to the degree possible for a good movie, same as with LOTR or any other book-to-film, and therefore it probably would have to retain some Christian allegory. But the Christ figure as allegory is not exactly unique--all mythologies, just about, have a death-and-rebirth character in a position of importance, and some notion of a "heaven", etc., so I don't see why either side (pro- or anti-Christian) is hyperventilating about it.


wheresmytower May 9 2005, 22:17:49 UTC
Actually, Disney began advertising it as "The Passion of the Christ for Children." They seem to believe that by emphasizing the parallels to Christianity, parents will be more willing to spend money taking their children to it.

Thus, while I agree with you on the fact that the Christian viewpoint is really necessary to the story inasmuch as it can be taken literally, it does seem as though everyone should be prepared for some heavy-handed emphasis on the religious symbollism in this movie.


wheresmytower May 9 2005, 22:18:23 UTC
Is not really necessary, that is.


mollyringwraith May 9 2005, 23:00:41 UTC
Hmm, interesting. Well, in that case, it would be no more than C.S. Lewis intended, so I personally wouldn't take offense. It should remain a cool adventure/fantasy story no matter what!


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