'Lost' - "The Greater Good" (working title: Let's All Kill One Another!)

May 04, 2005 21:08

(This entry is only gonna make sense if you watched "Lost" tonight.)

I was already having trouble getting over how cute Frolijah looks in glasses, from the previous entry. Then I turn on "Lost," and they slam me with that adorable penultimate shot of Sawyer in his dorky glasses, reading aloud about sportscars to the baby. The look on Claire's face as she wandered up to them was the only thing to make me laugh out loud this episode. (Though I did grin pretty wide at Hurley's one-man karaoke.) I love all my little nerds.

Other than that, not many laughs. Much drama, sympathy, and misery for everybody. As I've said before, one really cool thing about this show is that you can see all the points of view--you can see why someone would really want to kill someone else, even though that someone else is not actually a villain or even a bad person. I like this complexity.

I also like Sayid's bare arms. And I'm not even an arm gal.

I do not like Kate constantly behaving like she and Jack have been married for 25 years. Nor do I like Kate doing her "I'm not actually a trauma counselor, but I play one on TV!" schtick with everyone. If she sat down beside me and started telling me "She just needs time," or encouraging me to open up and "talk about it," I might have to smack her. Fine words from the LYING CRIMINAL CHICK who STILL HASN'T GOTTEN OVER whatever the hell she did, despite all the TIME she's had. Ahem. But, really, I'm sure she's a nice girl. Who needs to take lessons from Sawyer on how to be a lying guilt-ridden criminal and yet be stylish and entertaining.

Oh, and Locke? I love you, man, but could you maybe remove and wash the horrifying blood-soaked T-shirt before crashing the funeral? Just a matter of etiquette. Thanks.


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