Note on the other journal

Oct 10, 2004 14:34

For those wondering what happened to lemonlye, my usual journal...

No worries; I'll un-delete it before the 30 days are up. The deletion, amazingly, isn't really about politics or fandom. I'm just having a minor artistic fit and am irritated with myself for putting time into LJ that (in my insecure view) I should be devoting to being a novelist; or, these days, looking for a house to buy. "Why," I've been asking myself, "am I frittering away hours in relating arcana about my daily life, and getting into altercations with people who have never actually met me and probably would never have treated me like that in real life? Is that how I wanted to spend the weekend? By God, no!" And so on. (Ah, good! I'm getting some monologue-writing practice here.)

So. Carry on. See you on the other side of the Great Archival Void.


lj business

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