Cute conversation

Oct 04, 2004 21:36

After seeing this entry, with the Pippin-and-Jack-Sparrow-in-Vegas postcard, a UK reader sent in the following conversation he had with his 5-year-old son:

Son: How did Captain Jack get to meet Pippin, Daddy?
Dad: Well, he met him at Aragorn's wedding.
S: But Capt. Jack wasn't in The Lord of the Rings.
D: Well no, but if you remember Legolas was - he was playing Will.
S: Yes but how did he know to sail his ship there - did he get an email?
D: Yes. Legolas sent him one.
S: But I never saw Capt. Jack's computer.
D: Well, it was in a room behind his cabin on the Black Pearl.
S: Oh right - but how did he know Aragorn?
D: They went to school together.
S: So he sent for him to be there?
D: Yes.
S: When?
D: OK, after the last battle when the eagles took Frodo and Sam back to the city, they were a bit ill and Aragorn had to wait for Arwen to arrive for the wedding, so they sent a quick mail to Capt. Jack and he sailed his ship to the city, to the place that Aragorn arrived at with his army of the dead.
S: OK - but how come he was on holiday with Pippin?
D: Well, they got talking at the party and Pippin told Jack that he had never been to Vegas so Jack took him.
S: But they all went to the ship to see Frodo off with the elves and Capt. Jack wasn't there then.
D: Ah well, it was after that.
S: You kidding me Daddy?
D: No, love; you have seen the picture, how can I be?
S: OK.

This is so how I'm going to talk to my kids when I become a parent.

pirates of the caribbean, lord of the rings

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