Star Wars: a few more

Sep 24, 2004 20:57

Updates I came up with for the last entry. Please continue sending them in - they're great! I'm compiling everybody's and will do one big massive post of them all soon. The following are just my own latest creations.

[In Bree]
ARAGORN: Do you speak Elvish?
FRODO: Of course I can, sir. It's like a second language for me. I'm as fluent in Elvish--
ARAGORN: All right, shut up. (to Innkeeper) I'll take this one. (hauls FRODO off to his room)
FRODO: Shutting up, sir.

SAM, saving FRODO in Cirith Ungol: Now, don't you forget this! Why I should stick my neck out for you is quite beyond my capacity!

[After PIPPIN's episode with the Palantir]
MERRY: Just you reconsider messing with that thing.
PIPPIN whimpers.
MERRY: No, I don't think Gandalf likes you at all.
PIPPIN whimpers again.
MERRY: No, I don't like you either.

FRODO: You know, I think that Ring I inherited might be stolen.
GANDALF: What makes you think that?
FRODO: Well, I stumbled across a message while I was cleaning it. It said it belongs to someone named Sauron. (GANDALF looks alarmed.) I thought it was in some form of Elvish. Do you know what it's talking about?
GANDALF: (angry) Tomorrow I want you to take that Ring out of town and get rid of it. That'll be the end of it.

[When SAM tumbles down the slope and gets stuck in the gravel outside the Black Gates]
SAM: I must have taken a bad step...
FRODO: Can you stand? We've got to get out of here before the Orcs return.
SAM: I don't think I can make it. You go on, Master Frodo. There's no sense in you risking yourself on my account. I'm done for.
FRODO: No, you're not. What kind of talk is that?

THEODEN: Let me see my old friends.
GRIMA: You don't need to see your old friends.
THEODEN: I don't need to see my old friends.
GRIMA: These are not the allies you're looking for.
THEODEN: These are not the allies I'm looking for.
GRIMA: They should mind their own business.
THEODEN: You people should mind your own business.
GRIMA: Move along.
THEODEN: Move along. Move along.

GANDALF: Theoden here tells me you're looking for passage to Minas Tirith.
PIPPIN: Yes indeed. If it's a fast horse.
GANDALF: Fast horse? You've never heard of Shadowfax?
PIPPIN: Should I have?
GANDALF: He's the horse that made the Osgiliath run in less than twelve parsecs. He's fast enough for you, little man.

[In Moria]
GANDALF to PIPPIN: You know, between Gimli's howling and your tripping over everything in sight, it's a wonder the whole cave doesn't know we're here.

ARAGORN: I don't know; what do you think? You think a princess and a guy like me--

(And this one's not really funny, just poignant...)

FRODO stands on the bank of the River Anduin, holding the Ring, tears on his face.
GANDALF'S VOICE: Remember, the Force will be with you...always.

lord of the rings, parody by me, star wars

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