(no subject)

Oct 14, 2022 11:40

I have friends who are trans or NB. I have friends whose kids are trans or NB. I see their love, vulnerability, tenderness, and patient wisdom. When you defend JKR (or others) when she says trans women aren’t women, you’re casually punching these innocent friends of mine.

And you are not convincing me of your “side of the story” at all. You’re only making me more determined to defend them and to represent them respectfully in my writing.

Yes, I’m a cis woman who uses “women’s spaces.” No, I don’t feel threatened at all by trans women using them too. In fact, I’m sure trans women HAVE used them at the same time as me, because in most scenarios there’s no way I would know or notice.

What I do know is that trans people face far more targeted threats and actual physical harm than cis women. They are hardly ever a threat TO cis women. If you’re finding examples to the contrary, you are cherry-picking big time and ignoring the bulk of the facts.

But what if they’re secretly perving on us, you say, by being in the women’s bathrooms or such? Oooh, shoot, I have bad news for you about secret pervs: they’re in EVERY part of society. And they’re far more often cis.

There are people who secretly perv on feet. Cis people! YOUR feet! On the bus! In the park! In the grocery store! Are you going to start wearing bulky boots everywhere to keep any foot fetishists from ever possibly getting off on seeing your feet?

Some people get all hot for business suits. Or seeing others eat whipped cream. Crap. What are we going to do? Avoid situations in which others can see us in business suits or with any food involving whipped cream?

Y’all…you just have to chill. In the vast scenario of cases,

a) trans people aren’t perving on anyone, they just want to exist in peace,

b) people who ARE secretly perving, cis or not, aren’t going to act on it and harm you,


c) you can’t actually stop anyone’s secret perving. Because…it’s secret. And it probably isn’t happening with trans people the way you think it is anyway. Which I already said but it bears repeating.

sex, love, trans, lgbtqia, gender

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