Sep 28, 2008 11:07
This is the official sign-up post for Operation Raven (or Operaven, if you prefer), in which your job is to read aloud a line or two of Poe's "The Raven." All are encouraged to join. Here's how it will work:
1. Leave a comment here if you want to participate. Sign-up period ends in two weeks, October 12.
2. Shortly after Oct. 12, having counted up how many people are signed up, I will assign your lines to you.
3. You record yourself speaking the lines and post them as a LJ voice post, or email the sound file to me if you're more tech-savvy. The latter is the preferred method! They sound much clearer that way. I know .wav, .aiff, and .mp3 files will work with my software, and conversion of other types might be possible. We can try.
4. If choosing the voice-post option, let me know by email or LJ comment that you have posted it. I might miss it otherwise.
5. All accents and ages welcome, and indeed encouraged. Please sign up, and draft friends and family into it as well!