Well, color me legally blonde...

Sep 27, 2002 08:30

What a bizarre way to start the morning. I woke up out of a dream that I was--for a little while anyway--making out with Reese Witherspoon. Yeah. The actress. Another girl. This is really unusual for me. Dreams about famous guys, guys I know, guys I don't know, sure, all the time. But this? What the...?

As it turned out, in the dream, we were doing this mostly for the entertainment of some guy who was hanging around watching. (Yay, I'm a whore too!) And in this dream, Reese told me that it wasn't her first time with a girl, as she'd done this with Uma Thurman once. Heh. All righty then.

I'm guessing this is my karmic revenge for having enjoyed all that male-on-male slash. I've now been slashed in my own dreams. (I'm sure you've seen it: that ever-popular Molly/Reese pairing.) Still, I've never even looked at any of the female/female ones...I mean, why would I? So strange.

I guess it could be worse. At least Reese Witherspoon's pretty...right?
Well, I feel cheap, all the same.

sex, sleep, slash

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