Futurequest oom: An irresistable idea

Jun 14, 2007 23:18

Molly didn’t usually have a hard time entertaining herself when Cain was busy with work, but the city of Toronto was huge, and loud and crowded, and she had been feeling irritable. The baby had found her bladder and seemed to enjoy dancing on it at odd moment, or else punching her in the kidneys.

Cain was supportive, but had been tied up with business for the better part of a week. She had dutifully sat through a couple of dinners with people she didn’t know, and was friendly and polite as was fitting as Cain’s wife. (And if she heard the whispered term, ‘trophy wife’ one more time she was going to hex someone.)

She cheered up some when she found an absolutely gorgeous chair in a small consignment shop that fit her perfectly. It seemed to take the weight and stress off ofher body in all the right places, and she had not even looked at the price before arranging to have it sent back to the hotel.

After that, she had stumbled upon a tiny shop full of hand-spun wool, and had bought some wonderfully soft skeins for making into a baby blanket.

When Cain arrived back in their rooms after a long day at conferences, Molly set down her knitting, and grinned at him from her new chair.

“Hello, love. How was your day?”
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