Jan 15, 2008 22:17
I worked at Jonah this weekend, really full-time for the first time probably since the summer after I graduated from high school. By "really full-time" I mean the full lack-of-sleep experience, up early in the morning to get there before breakfast, there all day, and home late at night only to crash into bed and get up early again the next morning. Sounds like torture, right? Or at the very best, some sort of horrible in-the-meantime job.
No, my friends, that's not the case. While I cried at least once because of feeling completely overwhelmed by the amount of work to do, slept little, and ended the weekend exhausted, with a blown back, this is what I really came away from the weekend with:
Oh, that you would pour out your word into my life
and fill my heart with your wisdom.
Show me your ways
and make my path infallible.
My heart groans
and longs for your assurance.
Meet me and speak with me,
o my God,
that I may again know your light
in a land of darkness.
Fix my eyes on your glory.
Take me by my right hand
and lead me into your salvation.
I found my Jesus again this weekend, folks. I've been as faithful as ever this past year in reading my Bible and following all the rules, but this weekend reminded me why I do those things. This weekend reminded me of the passion that got me into this marriage in the first place.