I finished my Fear Institute poster. It's pretty badass, if I do say so myself.
I even prefer it to the original. No, I don't have an ego problem. Why do you ask?
So, without that to occupy my time, I searched in vain for DAYS for something to read before I figured out that I don't have the patience to sit down with a new book. I dismissed almost all of the book synopses I read almost immediately for almost no reason. So I went back to familiar territory. I reread all of my Saiyuki volumes. I have an idea for a new poster. Something along the lines of recreating a page from the manga, keeping all of the panels and dialogue in place and maybe adding some color. It'll definitely be interesting. And a challenge.
Then, for some reason, I gravitated back to Harry Potter*. This is one of those series that I loved and then the seventh book came out and killed it for me (no pun intended), but not because of the main character. I ended up abhorring Harry. I pretty much read it for Snape, who still remains one of the most fascinating characters in literature, in my opinion. I was reading the TVtropes page for him and I was reminded just how complex and compelling his character is. If only the books had been centered around him. I would read a series dealing with the complexities of spy life and the details of the war against Voldemort in a heartbeat. I'd much prefer that perspective than the one of a whiny emo teenager. And the reason that I'm not restarting the series is because there is a distinct dearth of Snape in it.
This is also why the Johannes Cabal novels are my favorite novels. These two characters are almost personality twins.
And, JKR may not have put a lot of Snape in her story (at least, not explicitly) but in a rare instance of fan-sanity, there are a lot of fanworks out there centered around him.
*The last time I was seriously into the HP fandom was the summer that I transitioned from high school to college. This is the summer that I'm transitioning from college to med school. How neat a coincidence is that?