I must be border-line masochistic. It's the only explanation for why I look for Naruto spoilers...but usually, such hunts usually don't turn up anything of interest and, when the chapters are finally released a few days later, it's a species of drama that I can handle.
But, tonight...ugh. Spoilers for chapter 444 have been released, and now I'm not sure I want to read the actual chapter. It looks like it's going to be entirely drawn out and painful in two different ways: we get to relive the deaths of both Jiraiya and Kakashi (have I mentioned that this is going to be a painful chapter?) followed by another pointless flashback of Nagato's life. Seriously. I don't like even the best of flashbacks, much less one about a character whom I couldn't care less about.
I'm not sure I can stomach the former part...
It's also really hard to me to remain in denial when Kakashi's "situation" is being lumped with Jiraiya's fate. Ugh.
It's slightly funny (and very pathetic) that the only reason I've been following the recent events of this title so closely these past few months only to find out the fate of my favorite character. Naruto's further character development? Don't give a fig. Hinata's love confession? As apathetic as I could get. I'm only in it to see the conclusion of this whole arc, which, at the rate Kishimoto seems to develop a story, might never happen. I guess, if I looked at this objectively, I would realize that, maybe, perhaps there is some quality story-telling here. But I'm biased. And anxious. And pretty sure that if Kishimoto is awesome and reveals that, SURPRISE, the best character he's created isn't dead and hahaha-I-had-you-all-fooled-didn't-I that, upon future re-reads of this arc (because that is the only circumstance in which I will probably ever re-live this arc), I will give him credit for a well-told story.
But seriously. Can this be drawn out any longer? Ugh.
On top of this all, it just so happens that my favorite new Duckling character in House gets killed off Amusingly, I found out about this from
fandomsecrets as well....though the actual secret just hinted at it...I was going to watch it on Monday or today (or tomorrow after my histology exam that I really should be studying for...) when it was released online, but then I saw that secret and was like "....crap." I checked it out.
And fuck.
I can only laugh. This situation is getting out of hand. I mean, it's elevated to the point of hilarity. All of the neat characters that I enjoyed watching are ALL GETTING KILLED OFF. I mean, HOLY COW. I think this is almost past the point of coincidence. I'm sure there is some Higher-Power-of-Fiction that is out to get me. Because seriously. Kutner? There was NO HINT of what was going to happen. ABSOLUTELY NONE. And then, poof. He's gone. Unarguably and undisputably. I can't even indulge in denial. Not that he meant that much to me, as a character, but he was undeniably the best, most interesting of the new-comers.
And he gets killed off.
I was in the middle of an episode when my brother calls and a I told him that they got rid of another neato character. And he asked, "How? Did he get fired?" to which I had to say, cheerfully "No. He killed himself," which sounds pretty funny in a horrible way. I think it also nicely underscores just how screwed over I'm getting with fiction. My favorite characters are irreversibly leaving the story....
Ah fiction. If only I could quit you...
Now back to reality: I'm totally going to get screwed on tomorrow's histology exam. I'm just not prepared. Or not as much as I could be. And the lab portion is going to suck like a vacuum flask. I also tried studying from the actual text book and found it to not be much help. Then, earlier today, I decided to look at the pictures in the optional one and found that there's actually helpful text, which the required text completely lacks. I was stunned. Too bad I wasted so much time agonizingly trying to figure out the non-helpful text. At least now I know what to study from for future tests.
Speaking of vacuum flasks...I'm seriously developing a not-crush on Smart-Ass #1 who is in both my histology class and o-chem class. He sits across me at the same lab table. And...oh my God. I love talking to him, though I guess "talking" isn't the right word. It's usually some type of ironic sarcasm...(like my discovering that our elaborate vacuum filtration setup didn't have to be as elaborate as both of our groups were making it...or my stealing his faucet for the vacuum filtration and me telling him, in a completely dry, unaffected voice that I was "drowning in guilt"...or, and this is the best, the commentary he made before, during, and after him breaking off his key in his drawer...)
Now, I don't have a crush on him, because I wouldn't ever want to have a serious conversation with him, and he has a girlfriend. I'm just glad that I sit in his vicinity and that he seems to initiate banter opportunities with me.
Geez, this was a long post...