A new one!

Oct 05, 2018 19:45

I can't recall if it was during second or third year of med school that I discovered WtNV during a road trip to visit my aunt, but it appears that I can thank a road trip this past weekend to visit my mom's cousin for the discovery of my new favorite podcast (and new fandom to dive right into, small though it may be). Wolf 359 has provided one fun distraction lately. I'm currently on episode 32 and, holy SHIT. The characterization! The plot twists! The shit Eiffel gets himself into!

In particular, I am just astounded by the characterization. For example, Hilbert. At first, he's kind of annoying, kind of an Evil-Russian-Scientist-Cliche joke, but then he pulls his, gonna-kill-everyone stunt and I really hated him (in that deliciously fun way) and cheered on Minkowsi and Eiffel as they outsmarted him. I peeked at the fic out there at about the time I'd gotten to this part of the podcast and was legitimately disgusted to see just how often there were Doug/Hilbert fics. But--and I can't pinpoint exactly the point at which this happened, but I think it was during "Do No Harm" when he puts on his physician hat and, in my opinion, actually seemed to care about what happened to Eiffel--he's redeemed himself almost completely in my mind. As much as I love the bad guys who are evil just for evil's sake (and heck, we have Mr Cutter for that), I really feel that they did a good job fleshing out Hilbert's character.

I had similar opinions about Minkowski and Eiffel. Urbina did a fantastic job developing characters who superficial fit a stereotype and then slowly and inexorably flesh them out. Talk about writing goals.

Also, the hc potential is amazing as well.

This podcast has kept me on the edge of my seat, has caused me to laugh aloud, and has me had actual physical reactions to some of the plot twists.

I fucking love it.

I actually listened to the first episode of "Wolf359" back as a resident (maybe a year ago? I remember that it was cold) and I remember thinking, "this has potential." I was an idiot to not keep going with it...

Just before I left to go on this road trip, I had discovered a Chinese drama called "Guardian," which, from a purely objective standpoint, it terrible. But, what it desperately lacks in plot, special effects, and sophistication, it makes up for in the relationship of the two main leads. I had basically been watching the show for that. However, it's been hard to keep up my motivation and enthusiasm for the show when I now have "Wolf 359" in my life. I've always struggled with being a fiction monogamist.

analysis, fiction, television, guardian, welcome to night vale, wolf 359, podcasts

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