Apr 24, 2015 15:53
OMG. How the hell did Daredevil go under the radar for me for so many years? I watched the entire Netflix series this past weekend and am in the process of doing a re-watch. I love it! And there's not enough of it (though, I have to say, TV series is a much better medium than movies for superheros I feel). So, yeah, I want MORE (and, I wish they'd continue with Daredevil instead of investing in the rest of the Defenders). I went to AO3 after finishing the series on April 20 and was disappointed to see that there were only about 94 stories published. I assumed the series had been out for a while, but I checked and discovered that, at that point, the series had only been out for 10 days. And now, on April 24, there are over 200 stories, so this fandom is exploding (though, to be honest, the quality of stories isn't quite there yet, but given it's a nascent series, that's just a matter of time).
But it feels so good to have a new obsession again! It's been way too long. And the h/c content of the mere dozen episodes? Astronomical! This series hit all my buttons. I just can't stop squeeing. Also, I really want to read some of the original comic material.
For a rugby update: this past weekend was an away game that was far away and, when we got there, we learned that the other team didn't even have a full side, so they were playing high school girls. It wasn't a fun game (and, frankly, struck me as a waste of a trip). Then, Sunday, I went to a regionals recruitment camp just for shit and giggles (they had open spots, so I wasn't worried about taking the spot of a better qualified, more motivated person). It was a lot of fun, and...I didn't completely suck? I mean, I didn't have to sit out or get injured. I was definitely in the lowest quartile of the people there, however. And, to be frank, I didn't care. Given that I'm about to start residency in the middle of nowhere, I'm not recruitable anyway. I had a shit-ton of fun with my fellow teammates who were there and with some new people I met (seriously, ruggers are the best).
The first thing they had us do was assign us a number that we wrote in Sharpie on our upper arm and thigh. I now have a very nice, distinct tan line in the shape of a "14" on my bicep. I'm counting that as a win. Also, the very first exercise we did was play Ultimate Rugby, which...I rocked at. So at least I started on a high note?
Tuesday night I went on a really long run that I really tried to push myself on, and Wednesday practice I was really feeling it.
Currently I'm at home, trying to juggle the massive amounts of paperwork that come with starting residency (I apparently DIDN'T learn that lesson about checking my mail more often because I was sent a bunch of paperwork via snailmail and I won't be back home in time to get that filled in by the deadline...), applying for a mortgage, and looking at condos. It's SO MUCH! I'm flying to my residency city tomorrow to look at condos. Everything is moving so fast. I'm feeling extremely scattered right now just even thinking about it.
Lastly, I really need to get something off my chest. I just finished my radiology rotation and...forged 3 signatures on that sheet. I'm not going to try and justify that action, but when I stressed the day before I turned it in, the day I turned it in, and it's just now starting to wear off now. I hate being dishonest; it REALLY eats at me and stresses me out in a way that very few other things do. I just really hope I don't get caught. The logical part of me says that no one will look at the sheet closely. Ugh.
So, this entry was a complete shitshow, but there was just a lot of things I wanted to record and I really, really want to get back to watching Daredevil. Hopefully I'll update this thing again soon with more coherent, linear writing.
real life,
med school,
rotation: radiology,