Jan 27, 2015 23:05
I just noticed that my left eyelid has ptosis (not severe enough to cover my pupil, but definitely noticeable). I have no idea how long it's been like that because I rarely pay that much attention, but I'm a little worried (and, now, a bit self-conscious, which is ironic given the fact that I never paid enough attention to my face to notice when it first appeared). I doubt it's Horner's as I haven't noticed any anhidrosis or asymmetrical pupil dilation and I doubt it's Bell's palsy as I haven't noticed any other facial weakness. I read somewhere that contact lenses could cause it, but I only wear contacts for exercise and special occasions. It might be related to tiredness as I'm feeling rather drained and it's past 11 at the moment.
But, of note, I have been feeling a bit off, physically, lately. Nothing serious, but I've noticed that I haven't had much of an appetite and that I think I get fuller more easily, but not enough to serious detract from me getting my daily requirements. I noticed that I would feel uncomfortably full during runs at night back home, even though I'd eaten more than 1.5-2 hours prior. Also, I might be on my period? It's been more brown for over a week, but yesterday there was frank bloody red clots and blood. Also, the start of the discharge/menstruation wasn't preceded by the usual breast tenderness and I never got any severe cramps. Though, I did have an episode a couple of days before the start of it of this really intense brain fog that lasted about 2 days. And I'm not sure it ever completely went away. I'm feeling fine now and any difficulties I have with cognition is likely more related to stress/boredom/unmotivation (I mean, this paper is SERIOUSLY kicking my butt from its tediousness).
So, there MIGHT be something going on? I dunno. I have been able to work out just fine with my normal amount of energy. Who knows. I just really, really hope this ptosis resolves itself...
real life,