Nov 12, 2006 04:49
Life is finally starting to look up. I am finally back in school and determined to finish my math test to COMPLETE my GED.
I got fuckin SKY ROCKETING scores on science, LA, reading, and social studies, but i ROYALLY SUCK at math.. like 5th grade level.. if that. I just never had a good math teacher.. except in 3rd grade! and in highschool ALL I DID was smoke weed and skip ALL DAY, OR go to math class so high i would just sleep the entire period till the bell rang telling me "TIME TO GO SMOKE SOME MORE" haha.. good god. i am not exaggerating either.
Weed pretty much does ruin lives if you do it TOO MUCH, and it DOES lead to other drugs. I know first hand.
BUT! I dont smoke anymore ever (for like 2 yrs now actually) :) and like i said, am going to school (shoreline) and i am currently looking for a job. I applied at Block Buster today.. so we shall see.. its always nice to have xtra money during the holidays, and of course all the time!
My room is a mess, it has been all my life, haha, literally..I just HATE cleaning more than I hate math! Yikes! My birthday is about 3.5 weeks away or so.. haha dec 9! 20! wow!
Gabe and I will be celebrating 6 YEARS on jan 6th!!! I'm excited!!! I love that boy so much and I truely truely am BLESSED to have such a gentleman as my boyfriend.
I cant wait to get married, have a baby and move to texas!!!!within the next 2-3 YEARS!!!!!