Oct 18, 2005 12:48
List cause I'm lazy . . . things of much downage:
1. Drum lesson last night, totally Cruel Tutelage of Pai Mei style. Substitute triplet patterns for wall punching, and it's pretty much a match. Guy almost made me cry. So mean. Like, REALLY mean. I will poison his fish heads.
2. Just found out my Meds interview is tomorrow, and I have a hell of a lot to prepare really fast. I have to be able to bullshit a bunch of techniques. And I'm kind of fuzzy cause I've been on painkillers all weekend too . . .
3. Cause they hauled two screws out of my knee on Friday. I'm having trouble remembering it, though I was conscious at the time, but apparently I screamed like a banshee in a microwave. I remember it felt like they were twisting my bone until it broke. Which is pretty much what they were doing, so it's making with the sense and all.
4. Boy. Boy, comma, The. I can't even go there today. I have been in therapy with Etta James at my desk today. It is not helping.
Between the fallout from Pai Mei and Ryan I spent five solid hours bawling last night. Eyes are puffy and greeny, the way they get when the blood vessels are dilated. I think I'll make Shake n' Bake tonight. It's a hell of lot more trouble than I'd usually go to for dinner, but then I can wear my Winnie the Pooh apron and do my Shake n' Bake dance, both of which cheer me up. Actually, my Shake n' Bake dance strongly resembles my ZZTop "Thank You" dance, but it is still butt-shimmyingly fun.
But let's face it, folks. I am going to be sad for a while.
P.S. I've caught up on all your posts from the weekend, but I can't really make with the comments . . . so many posts, and I'm at work and all. Though shout-out to New Drummer Dave; so sorry sweetie, but I have nothing to add to what your friends have already proposed. Other than a *hug.*