Jul 30, 2005 15:35
yesterday was strange, i was too sick and upset to go to work i poissed away the ay throwing up and crying gross, then i realized i hadnt eaten anything yet adn it was nearing 6oclock, so bryan andl ucky picked me up in the camaro and we went to dq which was less than fullfillingbut i was begining to feel better, bryans so funny sometimes, the gamestore has all kinds of new neat games id like to buy if i had the money, i heart boardgames. then bryan asked if we watned to go bowling, and i had the intentions of having a party with good punk rock music but i was far too tired so i calledrachelle (whom the party was "orgainized" with) and assked if she wanted to go bowling. we got almost htere andi realized i would be in the worst mood and make everyone have a bad time if i went bowling so bryan dropped me of at rachelles new house (which is across the street from lerikos EXITING) and we walked to mattlauchs where we cut and pasted neat magazines till lauchie and bryan came back, and her dad finally came to pick her up
im glad everyones talking
i love my new cds
i want to have rachelle over to watch zombie movies
im making choices that are the best for me and things are looking positive
porceline doll scene tonight
even though my boss drove me home today because she said i looked like death, im gonna go get drunk andget in anyway.because i now have three days off...
up next spaghetti and survivor