Apr 13, 2010 21:11
"On Friday night, I was check mated. I saw the correspondence from my GrandSire come across the Ventrue list - my GrandSire that had been so silent with me for two years, made time and effort to condemn me without even speaking to me or getting my perspective. Then, I realized - Ivan was right regarding my family, even as I defended them to him, and ended up standing against him in the end for them."
"I assessed the situation. There was only one thing to do. I headed to my Grandmaster, Marquis Charles Foxe in Indianapolis. There was no time to lose, so I left immediately. He told me to calm down and listened to my story."
"He petitioned Alder Cassio on my behalf to test for my honesty - to pull things out of my mind and test for truth, so that this matter could be resolved without resorting to the unthinkable."
"And then, my stomach dropped for the first time it had done so since I was mortal."
"No one would assist me. No one would touch me. My Liege was known as Marquis Michael Evengii. As a result, they considered it a breech of fealty. My last act, going to Marquis Foxe, was probably seen in poor light by Judex Cassio. I exhaled. In an instant, I pondered my options."
"I could change my face, but others with the sympathy would know me when I got around them."
"I could defy my GrandSire, but it means I would be even more alone then I already was. And would endanger everyone I cared about. Just to buy me a few months before the Meritocracy or another clan would decide to cash in for favors with him.."
"I could go to my GrandSire. He would either kill me, or make me into something lesser. Something ordinary. Something ...not me."
"Or, I could die at the hands of a friend."
"The option was not there for me. I began to leave."
"Foxe stopped me. It was the first time I had seen him cry, ever. He indicated I should make an exit. Although I thought about leaving quietly, and with dignity, I decided I would do it, for him, but also for my other childer. I hope that this insanity at least counts for something. That others will learn from it. That my childer would be safe..."
"I left Foxe then, knowing exactly where I needed to go, and exactly what I needed to do. I needed to die like an Unconquered. I needed to die under my own control like a Ventrue."
-- from the diary of Molly Laroche Savatius, April 10th, 2010