I think today is the one of the worst days of my life and it's only a little past noon. After dropping Chris off at his food photography thing, I came home to feed and walk the dog before going to get a parking permit. When I got home I smelled this HORRIBLE smell and realized that the dog puked in his cage and then laid in (I still have yet to wash him). I put 40 minutes in the meter (only 10 mins per quarter!!) and took care of a few things before I left again. As I walked out to my car, I saw the meter man a few cars down and realized that in the 5 minutes that my meter was expired, I got a ticket. I grabbed it and drove down to the permit place to pay 3 tickets ($45) and was then told that I have a citation and have to go somewhere else to pay that. I made my way to the district justice to find out that I owed them $96. I paid and drove back to the permit office and had to give them another $15 to get my permit. So, essentially, it just cost me $156 to get a parking permit.
THEN on my way home, I turned down a permit only street to find that I had accidentally turned down a street that had parents picking up kids from school, so I sat in my car for 10 minutes waiting for them to get their kids and get out of my way. Now, I'm home, waiting for whats next. I'm kind of scared to leave the house again.