Mar 14, 2009 17:18
A gorgeous day, today, the first really springy one we've had this year. I think.
We went to the children's museum (very cute; we'd been there once before) and to the Wisconsin Historical Museum (very interesting, very cool). Then Laura and I talked about the talk we're giving in a month for PAN; we think it'll be on the utility of faith in the modern world, which should be pretty interesting.
I am totally exhausted. So much walking this week: about a mile yesterday, and 2 1/2 both the day before yesterday and the day before that, plus up and down state street today and being on my feet all over both museums. I need new walking shoes soon. And new walking knees.
Tomorrow maybe Ray and I will go to the shoe store. His shoes are cheap-cheap from his dad's and are wearing out badly.