Apr 07, 2008 17:27
I'm back, after once again not updating in far too long. I have no excuse, really -- just general laziness-slash-not feeling like I had anything to write about. But I guess there have been a few things happening over the last few weeks. So --
My mom was in town for five days a few weeks ago, which was fun (I hadn't seen her since Christmas). She was with the band, choir and orchestra from my high school, on their music trip. Paul and I met the crew at Dick's Last Resort for dinner on Monday night (hilarious but a little obnoxious and loud). I met them at Ed Debevic's for dinner on Tuesday night. Then Wednesday night, they gave us some extra tickets they had to Wicked, so we got to see that (finally, like a year after the rest of the world had seen it). It was so good! I really wasn't sure if I'd like it all that much, but I did. We were supposed to meet up with everyone again on Thursday night in Chinatown, but then there was a blizzard. In March. So that was fun.
We met up with Cristina at the Sconnie bar to watch the Badgers get pummeled by Davidson in the playoffs ... that Curry kid needs to go away, seriously. The bar was fun, though -- I have definitely not seen that many Wisconsin fans in one place since I moved here. And, free hot dogs!
Umm ... what else. It's baseball season!! We went to our first Cubs game of the year on Saturday, which they won, thankfully. We had total nosebleed seats (read: two rows from the top) but still had a good time - and Taylor and Carolyn came, too, so it was exciting to be there for Carolyn's first trip to Wrigley. However, we all appear to be getting old. After the Old Style at the game, we all went back to our apartment and crashed for about three hours. Yikes.
Work has been ... slow. Very slow. Which is why I'm writing this from work, actually -- I've had two letters and one small copy project to do today, and that's it. So exciting. Anyone want to find me an editing job for roughly 1.5 -2x my current salary? You know where to find me ...
We're headed to Madison this weekend for Paul's cousin's wedding. We haven't been up there in a few months, so it should be fun, even though we won't have much non-wedding/non-family time to hang out. We do, however, have to drop my engagement ring off at the jewelry store so they can make a wax mold of it, because they apparently need that to make the matching wedding band (to make sure everything lines up correctly, etc.). I am going to feel so weird not wearing it for awhile, though ... they apparently need to keep it for about a week, then keep it for another week when the band is made so they can do the finishing touches. I don't know if we'll get back up to Madison to pick it up in between those weeks, so I may be ring-less for a month or so. We're considering asking for a loaner from the store ... which is ridiculous, but would at least be funny. :-)
The Lollapalooza lineup was announced today, and as always, I'm ridiculously excited! Nine Inch Nails, Radiohead, Rage Against the Machine, Gnarls Barkley, G-Love, Wilco, Chromeo, Explosions in the Sky, Kanye, Bloc Party, The Black Keys, Lupe Fiasco, Cat Power, MGMT, Flogging Molly ... I have no idea how I'll make it to all the bands I "must" see, but then again, I never do. We have a swanky suite at the Seneca with our concert buddies Tara & Mark, so it'll definitely be a great end-of-honeymoon weekend!
And ... nothing is new on the wedding front. I need to order flowers; Paul needs to rent chairs. We need to stamp/mail invitations sometime in the next few weeks. That's about it! I also need to do some work on the reception playlist, which is quite the job. I could easily have an eight-hour playlist if I were allowed to. Anyone have any "must have" suggestions that I need to have on the list?