hahahaha today was the funnest day ever. i rode my bike over to kristens at like 2:30 (my dad wouldnt drive me. i cant wait until i can drive.) and amanda was there, and we looked at pictures from amandas camera. then we went to daily scoop and met up with katie r, lindsay, and katie h and some random scary kid. i got the sweetest ice cream ever it was two scoops of apple pie in a wafle cone lol. we walked around for a while (supercuts!!) and then me kristen and amanda walked to amandas house, where we went on her comp and had hamburgers and italian ice. then we took monty down to the beach and walked the whole beach, taking pictures the entire way (check them out on amandas lj!) so we finally got back off the beach and we realized--monty's leash was gone!!!! so we called her dad and he came with a flashlight and we had to backtrack the whole beach. we finally found it and then went back to amandas for a sleepover. we talked on the comp with chase, we looked at pictures again, we read stories, and other fun stuff. among other things that happened to me, i smoked a snail, i had a coughing fit with unpleasant results, i saw someone very cool, and i got very very dirty feet. but now im clean and dry and we are hanging out with the two computers. dont forget to check out the pictures on amandas journal they are totally hot!
<3 molly