I've been meaning to do a proper house update with photos and all for the last ages. Instead, here's a mini one.
It's now liveable, but not homely. We spend an essentially random number of nights in it each week. We're here now, from yesterday evening to either Sunday or Monday night. The longest we've stayed so far is four nights.
For the past while, the top four things that needed to be done are:
- Driving licence for me
- Curtains in the bedroom
- Drinkable and safe for appliances water
- Post box
I've started back on driving lessons. I had been practising in the meantime, so I basically can drive, just amn't good enough to pass a test. I applied for the test anyway, but with an old form, so they sent it back looking for more money. That's almost ready to send again - just need to get a stamp. My hill starts are generally good; my reversing around a corner is terrible. I'm not looking forward to living here without being able to drive on my own, because I'll essentially be trapped.
We have blinds in the bedroom, so we're ok for privacy, but they let an awful lot of light in. At the moment, we're taping cardboard up to block the light. We have some curtain poles bought, but not put up yet. I've more or less chosen curtain material and style, but need to get prices. I don't really know what's a reasonable price for curtains, but this fabric is not the cheapest :-( I'm also trying to sort curtains and blinds for a couple of other rooms, but finding the decision making hard. I think I'm going to start with choosing the paint in the kitchen first. I've painted up some boards with various shades of green. Probably going for either a sage or a lime green. The ones we initially chose are too pale.
Our water has too much iron and manganese and an unpleasant smell. Also some probably harmless biology. The coliforms can probably be dealt with by a once off treatment (there was water standing around the well & flowing back in; that's sorted now). Nuteile is investigating filter providers. He's found lots. Now it's a matter of choosing between them.
Bought a post box in Argos yesterday. Nuteile has just attached it to the gate while I was writing thing. Yay! We've no house numbers or names, just the townlon, so next step is to let the post office know. Post is one of the top things because our Dublin lease is up next month, so we need an address.