Kevin Myers in racist asshole shocker

Dec 14, 2008 12:01

_unhurt_ linked to one of Kevin Myers shit stirring, racist, sexist articles: (warning, talks about gang rape)

I got curious about the numbers, especially as it looks to me like he's adding 40+13 and getting 63. (40% Afro-Caribbean + 13% Indian sub-continent becoming 63% white in his counter example, or is there 10% some race he hasn't mentioned?) So I did some research.

I found this page: (data from 2001)

White population of Greater London: 71%.

Black population of Greater London (including Caribbean, African and other): 11%.

Indian sub-continent origins: either 10% or 12%, depending on what they mean by Asian (Chinese is listed separately).

His stats, if we can trust them, white victims: 60%. Afro-Caribbean perps: 40%. Indian sub-continent perps: 13%.

So white people are actually under-represented as victims: 60% vs 71%.

Indian sub-continent as perps are either fitting in with the general population, or somewhat over-represented: 13% vs 12%/10%. It would be great if someone who knows about race designations in the UK could tell me which I should be using, or someone who knows about stats could tell me how significant the difference is, given we're talking about the perpetrators of only* 100 crimes a year.

Black people as perps: 40% vs 11%. Yes, he's right in this case. Massively over-represented. Nearly 4 times. But again how statistically significant is this? What happens if you break down by socio-economic class? Why does he then imply that black people are quite likely to form violent gangs and be sex criminals when the numbers involved are a drop in the ocean compared to the 783, 000 black people in London?

* When I say only, I mean in a statistics sense. It is an awful, awful crime, and it should be 0 (committed).

Exercises for the reader: Is Kevin Myers a rapist and abuser, or is he superior to his fellow men? Using examples from this article, show that anti-feminists are more likely to be men haters than feminists. Why did he mention Muslims? What else is wrong with this article?

Cross-posted to theladiesloos

i can't believe you said that, politics, racism, gender

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