March - Nightmare

Mar 29, 2008 03:30

Going from pulling the lever on the slot machine and being thrilled to see three quarters pop out to suddenly feeling as if I was going to pass out any second just from a couple drinks shouldn't be happening. I didn't drink a lot, but I did enough to know that slayers had better tolerance for the stuff than most. I knew that I had a better ( Read more... )

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mollydavis March 30 2008, 03:59:29 UTC
The second Lucy woke up she muttered something about hitting her hard but hey SHE was the one who was stuck in her sleep and strapped to a chair. I was the one saving the damn here. AND was about to get her ass kicked by about a dozen or more vampires if she didn't get herself out of that chair.

Once she was up and pretty awake, I stood close to her as the vampires started filling the room in front of us and blocking the door. How did I wake up? I made a face at that and stared at the vampire who asked me the question.

"What do you mean, how did I wake up? Maybe the FREAKING ROOFIE you slipped me wore off!!" Okay, maybe I was still a little upset about that. The freaking casino drugged me!

"I woke up because so we could kick your vampire ass," I said matter-of-factly because it was true. I shrugged. "Or maybe because putting slayers to sleep is a BAD idea. We fight back, dumbass."

Probably not a great idea to piss of the vampires who looked.. very hungry, but I wasn't giving a crap right now. The only problem right now, though? I really could use a stake or even a pencil or something.

The vampires started closing in and circling around us and I had had about enough of this. This casino was obviously dealing with demons or run by demons and feeding off of their customers. This might be a vacation for all of us, but who said that slayers really ever do get a real vacation?

One of them started to make a move towards us and immediately we both sprang into action, fighting back.


darkersideofyou March 30 2008, 05:56:26 UTC
I was getting really into the fight. There was something pretty zen about slaying vampires. It was hard to explain but a part of your brain just shuts off and things just become completely instinctive. It was really fun and all, but Molly and I weren't exactly winning this fight. Finally, I saw an opening and I called out for Molly who came running towards me.

The minute we both ran through the doors I slammed them shut as Molly grabbed a mop that was sticking out of a maintenance cart. She slid it in the door handles and effectively created a block. "It won't hold them for long." I said to her and she nodded at me. "We have to find Ryan and Seth and figure out how they're trapping people in their nightmares."

At the end of the hallway I heard the mop handle snap in half and a rush of footsteps racing after us. Molly and I both burst into a run when I spotted another door nearby. Ripping it open I realized it was a closet but that didn't stop the two of us from rushing inside and closing the door. I practically held my breath in the dark as I heard all of the footsteps racing past.

Finally, they seemed to be past and I slowly inched the door open little by little. Peeking around the door I didn't see anyone else so we both stepped out into the hallway again.

"What the hell is going on around here?" I hissed out at my friend. None of us this made any sense at all.


mollydavis March 30 2008, 20:43:35 UTC
Lucy and I were stuffed in a broom closet but if it was getting us away from the dozen or more vampires who wanted to feast on us then I didn't really care. The footsteps rushed by and after another moment, Lucy peeked through the door and finally it seemed as if things were in the clear. What was going on around here? How the hell should I know???

"I don't know but if they eat Seth and Ryan they will REALLY be pissing me off," I hissed back at her. "Do you think they took them too? Or are they still out playing some stupid game?" Gambling was retarded. Why did we even come here in the first place anyway.

"We have to find them and then put this place away. Drugging a slayer to sleep then handing her over to vampires is NOT good business sense." Grumbling to myself, I looked around for some sort of weapon and just looked at the closet door in front of me. Raising a brow, I slammed my foot into the wood and didn't care how much noise I'd just made. We needed something wooden and pointy.

Satisfied at the pieced of wood now on the ground, I picked two up and handed one to Lucy. "Come on, we need to find the guys."


darkersideofyou March 30 2008, 21:15:23 UTC
"I don't know." I whispered back to her as her foot went through the door? I gave her a look. Did she really want to call all kinds of attention to us? The art of being sneaky was lost on my best friend. At least she had a weapon now. The two of us walked quietly down the hall back towards the room where we'd woken up. I had no idea what the vampires wanted from us or if they were just pissed off that we'd walked into their club.

It wasn't long before we reached the end of the hallway and a door. I pulled it open and looked around it. I didn't spy anyone coming so we both went around and closed it behind us. It looked like the sewer almost, or an entrance to it as we descended down the steps and into the darkness.

Once we got down to the long hallway at the bottom of the steps I could hear a solid hum coming from nearby. There were two choices at the end of the hallway, and I chose the door on the right instead of the left. It was just a small room with a dark curtain drawn across the wall. Pulling it open a little bit, we both stuck our heads around the corner.

I gaped at what I saw and I could hear Molly draw in a quick breath too. It was a room full of chairs, like the one we had escaped from. In them sat row after row of people, strapped in and asleep. In the front row, it was easy to spot Seth and Ryan. "Oh my God." I whispered.

"Did you have a nightmare while you were asleep?" I asked Molly and watched as she nodded at me.


mollydavis March 31 2008, 02:42:56 UTC
My eyes widened in disbelief when the two of us stepped into the room with rows and rows of chairs with people strapped down just like we'd been earlier. What the HELL was going on in this place. Then I saw Ryan and Seth strapped down in the first row.

"Oh no they didn't." Gritting my teeth, I turned sharply to Lucy. "What the hell kind of place IS this? Some psycho vampires feeding off of people's nightmares instead of blood? Huh? This doesn't make any sense." Slowly, I stepped over to where Seth was sitting and watched him. I didn't even want to know what he or Lucy or Seth had been dreaming. Mine was fun enough to last me for a while.

"Seth!" I whispered at him harshly. "Wake up!" Midnight Moon Casino where all your dreams come true. Yeah, some dreams! "How do you think they're controlling everyone?" I asked back over to Lucy. "It has to be some kind of spell or voodoo something or other somewhere going on."

Looking back to my boyfriend, I raised a brow. Well, it worked for Lucy. Shrugging a bit, I slapped him across the face. Not quite as hard cause Seth was a bruiser. He just needed to wake the heck up.


darkersideofyou March 31 2008, 02:51:32 UTC
I followed Molly carefully, and quickly unstrapped Ryan while trying to stay carefully aware of my surroundings. I shook him a little bit, concerned when he didn't move, just twitched a little bit before his head fell back against the chair. I turned just as Molly slapped Seth across the face.

Grabbing her elbow I shook my head at her. "You had to slap me really hard to get me to wake up and I'm a slayer. I don't think they're gonna wake up. At least not like this." I whispered to her.

We had to figure out what was causing them to sleep like this before Molly decided to go back to smacking her boyfriend around. It wasn't a method I was really ready to employ just yet.

Looking around I knew we weren't alone but luckily the room was gigantic and any of the guards weren't likely to see us, hidden in the rows of people still sleeping. I craned my neck to look around the room and noticed a door. There was a bright light shining underneath it and figures kept passing in front of it. I nodded at it once I had Molly's attention.

She nodded back at me and the two of us crept along side the row of unconscious people until we were at the edge. Hopefully the key to this whole thing would be behind the doors. "C'mon." I whispered and the two of us quickly and soundlessly ran across the gap between the unconscious crowd and the safety of shadows the doorway offered.

Once we were there I noticed it was just another hallway and there was a guard coming. Looking back over at Molly I was glad to see she still had her stake. Reaching around the corner I grabbed the vampire and tried to hold him still while he struggled so Molly could stake him.


mollydavis April 2 2008, 04:30:10 UTC
Lucy insisted that I wouldn't be able to wake up Seth just by smacking him a little and talking to him. Well, why not. He should wake up. I frowned a little, looking at Seth again and for a second wondered what he was having his nightmare about. Immediately, I decided that I really didn't want to know.

I started to follow Lucy again where ever she was going though I guess she probably didn't have any idea in hell either. All I knew was that I kept my makeshift stake gripped securely in my hand. Weapon? Check. Pissed off slayer with a boyfriend in a coma slash nightmare? Double check.

A guard came towards us and he looked surprised that we were in the hallway like we were, but Lucy was easily able to grab him and press him against the wall long enough for me to bring out my stake and slam it down into his chest. Poof. No more security vampire.

"That felt really good," I whispered quietly under my breath as we kept walking. There was something about these vampires that bothered me more than most. They not only made us work while we were on our vacation, but they also used our worse fears against us. That was just playing nice at all.

Carefully, Lucy peeked around another corner and once we started walking again we both saw a single door at the end of the hall. No signs, no window, no nothing. Just a dead-end door. We exchanged glances for a second but quietly kept moving towards the door and stopped once we were right at it. Listening carefully, I didn't hear anything and Lucy didn't seem to either. I also didn't really feel anything vampy behind door number one, but I wasn't going to bet my bottom dollar on that wager.

I reached out to open the door and found, as expected, that it was locked. Twisting the handle sharply, the lock snapped and the door opened easily. A little too easily, but there weren't any alarms going off yet. When the door opened enough, the room in front of us was dark except for some sort of creepy light coming from some sort of crystal in the middle of the room. "Okay, what the hell is this?"


darkersideofyou April 2 2008, 19:02:15 UTC
I followed Molly inside the room and we both stopped and stared at the bright shining light from the middle of the room. The light was ethereal and seemed to extend from the floor all the way up to the high ceilings. Walking over to it I stooped down to get a closer look, reaching out a hand to touch it I suddenly jumped backwards.

"It's breathing." I said as I looked at Molly. "Whatever it is. It's alive." It sounded a little cliche but at the moment neither one of us was laughing because this whole thing was way too weird. The thing was definitely alive, it just wasn't moving at all, except for to breathe which I wouldn't have even noticed if I didn't get closer to it.

"Think this is the thing controlling everyone's dreams?" I asked Molly as I stepped away from the creepy Crystal Monster and started to look around the room. It was hard to see because everything was so dark but I managed to look around just by using the light that was reflected from the strange organism in the middle of the room.

My fingers closed around something soft and I pulled it aside, it was a curtain and behind it was row after row of television monitors. Some were dark but some were bright with color. I recognized Seth's almost immediately. And right next to him was Ryan....with Marissa. I felt like I was intruding on a private moment so I quickly looked away.

"This is definitely what's causing it." I said to Molly as she walked over and stepped up beside me.


mollydavis April 3 2008, 13:49:50 UTC
Breathing?! The glowing crystal was breathing?! I was still staring at the thing, trying to figure out what was going on when Lucy pulledback a curtain to reveal dozens and dozens of television monitors. My eyes widened as I stepped up next to her and stared at Seth in what I assumed was his nightmare. What were they doing, recording our subconscious to have a kick off later? Pop some bloody popcorn and have a party?! Uh, NO.

All of a sudden there was a screaming from one of the other screens. Tearing my eyes away from Seth's I looked up to see some girl in a room by herself and strapped to one of the chairs everyone else was. A group of guys entered the room but they weren't just guys. They were vampires and the next thing I knew, they were all on her and tearing her apart. Her screams were so real but soon enough they just stopped. They stopped and after another few seconds, one of the vampires looked up and straight at the camera like he was looking right at us. His hand raised to the camera and then the screen when dark.

That part wasn't just a dream. That part was freaking REAL.

"UM. Can we just stake the monster crystal and give this place a SLAYER nightmare?!" I said, turning back to Lucy. "Because as much as people in their nightmares is just plain wrong, the second I see Seth in some room by himself I am going to go out and kick some vampire ASS." It wouldn't matter what was going on with the breathing monster crystal. The second his nightmare ended, I was going to bust out of here and go after him.

"There's got to be a way to kill this thing or break it or whatever you do to a glowing crystal that breathes." Searching around the base, I tried to find some sort of button or something else obvious to tamper with to make all of this just magically stop. Too bad it wasn't that obvious.

Stopping, I stared at the crystal and glanced at Lucy. My hand hesitated as I reached up slowly to just grab it, but kept it back for right now. "What do you think would happen if we just took it? Smashing it has to do some kind of good, right?"


darkersideofyou April 3 2008, 16:24:39 UTC
I watched carefully, the same screen that Molly was looking at. It definitely wasn't a dream, they just killed that girl right in front of us before disabling the camera. They somehow knew we were watching them. "Must be some kind of two way camera maybe?" I asked Molly confused. Either way, I was on board with her idea of giving them their very own slayer nightmare.

I walked over to the breathing crystal and shrugged at Molly when she asked what I thought smashing it would do. "I don't know. Let's find out." I answered her. I watched as she finally touched the crystal and it seemed corporeal and real. Grabbing it with one fist, she easily pulled the thing from the mid-air it seemed to rest on easily.

Once she had it in her hands we both looked down at it as it cast a dim glow on both of our faces. There was something about it that just made me nervous as all hell. "I don't know what this thing is or where it came from but we should probably kill it now." The breathing seemed more erratic now, like we'd made it angry or something.

Molly gave me one more look before she slammed the thing down on the floor and it shattered into a thousand pieces, some of which were still clinging to our clothes and hair. A deep rumbling erupted underneath our feet and the floor shook a little bit. Molly and I both swapped a horrified look. Both of us burst into a run and when we got into the next room we saw a bunch of groggy people struggling with the bonds that held them in place. Seth and Ryan were both up looking confused.

"Help us get them untied! We have to get out of here now!" I yelled at the two of them as Molly and I both started on the last row, working as quickly as we could as the floor rumbled again.


ilikejourney April 4 2008, 03:54:33 UTC
My eyes opened and I realized I was in a room full of people who were ... all tied to chairs. I didn't understand it, but when Lucy and Molly ran in, I was a little more relieved, but it didn't take away the feeling that I had which was confusion and drowsiness - what just happened?

"What just happened? How ... this," I just shook my head. The floor started to shake and Lucy yelled at all of us telling us to help her untie the rest of the people that were in the room. I got up and one by one, started to untie rows of people and eventually, all of us ran out of the room. When we finally got outside, I watched the people who were tied up trying to regroup and they went on asking questions that I definately wanted answers to as well. I was worried about Seth though, he doesn't handle things well - at least things like this, even though this didn't count as something that he's been through before. I'd say it's a first for both of us - all of us? Was this some sort of Slayer thing? I looked at Lucy before looking at Seth.

"Are you alright, man?" I asked Seth and he just looked as shook up as I felt. My attention turned to the two girls again. "What just happened?"


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