Quick update and a survey

Jun 10, 2006 12:06

Wow well I haven't actually updated this thing in FOR-EV-ER! anyways lets see, semester ended and it was my worst semester yet but hey what are ya gonna do? I stayed up in Potsdam this summer and let me tell you, it's been great so far, I have not been this happy/content in a really long time. Let's see I'm working fulltime at First Crush and it's a blast, my hours are great, love the work crew, and making good money. I also got a part time job with my boss's business partner at his insurance agency just to get a little extra cash, and this is pretty ironic but I will be teaching a customers daughter beginning clarinet basics once a week!! So I'm back to doing music which makes me really happy.
I'm living in a new apartment which rocks, It's gorgeous we are getting charged a shit load but it's a really great place. I love living with Pat and Ash it's great we all do our own thing and hang out when we can but I have no one to answer to ever it's like i'm completely living on my own but if i need anyone or want anyone they are around ya know? We have settled into a really nice routine of cleaning/paying things it's great and because I work wed-sat I don't get to eat with them those nights but on sun-tue night we take turns cooking or each cook our own shit and then sit together. I dunno it's nice and when colin gets up here it will even better! The only thing that blows is that we have a washer and dryer but they are charging us way to much to use it so we aren't.

Socially things are actually great, I go to work and then come back and Julie and Cate have both been around so I have been trying to see them quite a bit. Sean and I hang out pretty often which is cool, after work I go out for drinks with some of the younger work crew and through them I have met a bunch of people. It's just really good, oh and at cantina all the bartenders know me now and just assume I'm 21 or older so that a major plus especially for the summer lol.

I went home a few weekends ago and saw my family and finally got to meet my neice :) She is absoulutely gorgeous. I am going home next weekend because it's DaveFest at SPAC I can not wait! First of all I just love hearing them live but I'm also psyched to see my old friends and have a great weekend of partyin it up!

THEN!!!!! I talked to Ry and we set up a time for me to come down at the end of july because the restaurant closes down for a week, so he is buying me plane tickets to fly down and see him for four days , then I"m flying into Newark and meeting my family for a couple of days on cape maine I think it's called , my sister and brother in law are renting a cottage for a week so we are gonna go down at the end of the week and hang out. Should be a really nice break and I haven't seen RY in over a year to actually spend time with!

On a different note, I'm working through a few things and makin some pretty huge decisions but I think making them is making me much more content and is why I'm so much happier even though they are really really difficult I will explain more later , when I feel it is appropriate.

So thats about it, just chillin up in Pdam if anyone is comin up give me a holler I would love to see anyone :)

Here's a nice survey to end this little update with and then It's off to work for the night

WHO . W A S . T H E . L A S T . P E R S O N . T H A T?

1. You hung out with?:
Sean,Seany P,and Mags

2. Rode in a car with?:

3. Went to the movies with?:
Hmmmm I dunno my sis maybe

4. Laid in bed with?:

5. You went to dinner with?:

6. You talked on the phone to?:

7. You hugged?:
Seany P

W O U L D . Y O U . R A T H E R?

1. Pierce your nose or tongue?:
nose but i used to want my tongue pierced

2. Be serious or be funny?:

3. Drink whole or skim milk?:

4. Die in a fire or drown?:
man I don't know

5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?:

Y O U . P R E F E R.

1. Flowers or candy?:

2. Grey or black?:

3. Color or Black and white photos?:
Depends on the pic

4. Lust or love?:
Love will be nice but Lust is fun sometimes

5. Sunrise or sunset?:
Sunrise after a great night of drinking with friends, sunset are beautiful though

6. M&Ms or Skittles?:

7. Staying up late or sleeping in?:
I'm a night owl, don't get a chance to sleep in very often

A N S W E R . T R U T H F U L L Y !!

1. Do you like anyone?:
I dunno

2. Do they know it?
It's complicated

D O . Y O U . P R E F E R.

1. Sun or moon?:

2. Winter or Fall?:

3. Left or right?:

4. 10 acquaintances or two best friends?:
10 friends!

5. Sunny or rainy?

6. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?:

A B O U T . Y O U!

1. What time is it?:

2.middle Name?:

3. What do you want?:
Money and to continue to be happy

4. Where do you want to live?:
Massachutes is great in this country, but another country for a while would be cool

5. How many kids do u want?:
2 or 3

6. You want to get married?

7. Bad habit:
biting nails

8. Are you double jointed?:

10. Can you cross your eyes?:


1. Which shoe goes on first?:

2.Ever throw a shoe at someone?
yeah actually at pat last night haha

3. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?:

2. Have you ever eaten Spam?:
yeah with mustard man it's awesome haha

3. Favorite ice cream?:
chocolate peanut butter

4. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?:
in mine one granola, but in the whole house like 5

5. Do you cook?:
I love it

6. Current mood?:
hung over but good

IN . T H E . L A S T . M O N T H . H A V E . Y O U ?

1. Bought something?:
too much stuff

2. Sang:
to the radio

3. Been hugged:

4. Felt stupid:
a few times

5. Missed someone:
of course

6. Danced Crazy:
yup last night

7.Gotten your hair cut:

8. Cried:

9. Been Kissed:

peace out everyone!
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