Sticky: Fiction archive links & Basic journal info / policies

Jan 01, 2021 19:55

Welcome! This journal contains a mix of filtered (personal/writing-related posts) and public (fiction and all non-writing-related fannish joy/angst and whatnot) content. Anonymous commenting is allowed and IP tracking is off. Feedback (positive, negative, or constructive) is welcome on all posts, fiction or otherwise. Personal flames, trolling and spam will be ignored and deleted.

Fiction archive links
Fiction will always be public. I've finally accepted that I'm just not a person who can maintain a master list on her own, but it's all in here (see tags!

For the most reliable, complete archive of my work, zip over to the AO3, where I'm listed as both Molly and Mollyamory.

Blanket permission to do stuff
If anything I've written inspires you to create a remix, podfic, translation to a new language, or art of any kind, please feel free - I give blanket permission. You don't need to ask me if it's okay; it is okay! All I ask is that you credit the original work in your notes or with a linkback. If you'd like to let me know you've created something based on my work, please drop me a note on the work at AO3 - that will always find me! :)

About the writing
Stories are most likely slash unless specifically otherwise noted, and are appropriate for all audiences unless specifically marked adult. Please only read stories marked adult if you are one.

Warnings will be provided in highlight-viewable format for major character death, rape, and graphic sexual violence as necessary (but don't hold your breath - I'm really not that kind of writer). I will also include warnings for current-season spoilers as needed. For all other content, I choose not to warn.

If you have any other questions about any of my stories, or if a warning is present and you have more specific questions about the type or scope of content for which I'm warning, please drop me a note here (anonymously if you prefer) and I'll answer as quickly as possible. Comments to this post only will be automatically screened for privacy.

About friending, subscribing and access filters
I rarely lock anything down, but when I do, it generally has to do with my health, my family, or my job. If those topics won't bore you to tears, just drop me a note on this entry; unless your LJ was born yesterday, I'll quite likely add you back (lj) or give you access (dw).

Defriending amnesty is always in effect, both at LJ and DW, so don't feel compelled to keep me friended if our fannish or social lives have diverged.

About other platforms
I'm "mollyamory" pretty much everywhere : LJ, DW, Twitter, and my new obsession, Tumblr. If I don't know your handle and you want me to add you, just drop me a note here (or there) so I know you're in fandom (and not trying to get me to promote your new novel or whatever) and I'll add you. :)

fiction & journal info

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