Cliffnotes from the Edge

Jan 09, 2017 15:33

So here's some stuff about me, in case you're sitting there thinking "Who is this person and how did she get on my reading list???"

1) I am a writer-type fangirl of all kinds of shows, but most recently Supernatural, Teen Wolf, various Vorkosigan-type-shenanigans, and in the old-time days Highlander, Sentinel, Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis and the like. I also used to do some vidding, here and there. My favorite movie is Jaws, my favorite book is Black House by Stephen King (for the moment), my favorite musical right now is Hamilton, and my favorite color is orange when it's not blue or purple.

2) My fangirl subtype would be "writer: non-writing." At the moment, I'm not particularly fannish about any one thing, and nothing is particularly prodding me to write. I am a fannish object at rest until acted upon by a new and exciting fannish force.

3) I live in New England, where it is currently cold as all fuck.

4) I'm currently dealing with carpal tunnel syndrome in my left hand, which means I am dictating this right now. For the record, Dragon NaturallySpeaking doesn't understand the word "fuck". I kept having to edit it. I've now added it to my dictionary, which involved me sitting in front of a microphone saying "fuck… Fuck… Fucking…" over and over again. So that's been my afternoon! I'm open to any and all gory carpal tunnel surgery stories or tips and tricks anyone might like to share.

5) I work from home, which is great in that I have a very very short commute that I can complete while wearing my pajamas. However, I work in a room with eight windows and one tiny space heater. See point #3 above? Cold as all fuck. And that time I didn't even have to edit it.

6) I love my job, and I love my coworkers. However, right now I am being forced to do a job that is not my job, and which I do not like, with coworkers I do not like. So right now, my work life kind of sucks.

7) I'm a happy-go-lucky pro-choice, Obama-loving, Clinton-supporting, Trump-hating ultra-liberal leftist which means I'm one tweet away from a rage blackout at any give moment. I'm avoiding all politics at the moment, because I would like to keep the top of my head where it is right now. But I may occasionally have political things to say, and if so, I will probably say them here.

8) On a related note, I will not be deleting my LiveJournal because there are links that would go dead, comments that I didn't write, pictures I may want to go back and get some day, that kind of thing. However, I will no longer be posting to it or reading it. This will be the last crosspost, so if you would like to continue keeping track of me, Dreamwidth will be the place to do it. Or twitter, I'm over there as well.

9) I'm a cat person living with three cats and a
therienne and a dog. At least, we think it's a dog. It could be sort of a small dinosaur, or possibly a little furry alien. We don't share a common language, so we have not been able to ask. The dog is Sadie; she's 6. The cats, in reverse order of importance, are Gnome (M, 5ish, dumb as a box of hair), Maia (F, 7ish, smarter than all of us), and Xander (M, 17 - beautiful, articulate, cranky, certified genetically superior to all other cats by our vet; the boss of me). I actually have no idea exactly how old Gnome is; I assume I'm wrong, and
therienne will be along to correct me shortly.

10) I'm thinking hard about trading in my car for something with AWD and a slightly higher profile than my current ride, which hits the ground going into and out of parking lots and cringes pathetically at two-inch-high snow drifts.

There - that's ten of me. Ten of you? :)

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