Jul 19, 2015 12:20

Ok, so, there's no actual bingo - there's just a BINGO BATTLE CRY. Because who has a trope bingo card? I DO!

au: fusion
Accidental Hero
locked in

time travel
fake relationship
bets / wagers
Haunted house
twenty-four hours to live

au: supernatural
telepathy / mindmeld
immortality / reincarnation

sex pollen
secret twin/doppelganger
Bite mark/bruise

Cannon fodder
role reversal
in vino veritas / drunkfic
fuck or die
power dynamics

I've been AFK for uh, quite a while - I haven't abandoned fandom or anything, I've still been out and about here and there, but work and life and whatnot have kept me pretty busy this year. Mostly whatnot - that random doing of nothing that always seems to cut such a huge chunk out of my free time. I'm trying to cut that out.

Anyway, this seemed like a great way to get my feet wet again in the fandom pool. I've got some ideas or several different fandoms - Fast & Furious, Supernatural, Teen Wolf, maybe even Killjoys (which I am loving lately). I'm getting started TODAY!

I'm really liking the look of that first column, but it seems like I've been gone so long, we've invented new tropes. Or revived old ones? Or something!

What the hell is the "Cannon Fodder" trope?

writing: trope bingo

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