(no subject)

Jan 11, 2014 17:25

Date syrup is my new girlfriend.

I only came upon it because I was asked to teach that class about the seven species of ancient Israel on the synagogue retreat. I liked it at the time but didn't do a whole lot with it, until the past few weeks. I've put it in tomato sauce, muffins, granola bars, beans. It's so rich and complex and easy to dispense out of a squeeze bottle. It's great with dairy and chocolate. I bet it would be fantastic with meat, like the tamarind in steak sauce.

Date syrup is my new girlfriend.

E brought the phrase "my new girlfriend" into our vocabulary a long time ago. She means, it's the new thing that gives you a thrill. It makes you feel new, because the new love is so exciting and a little bit unknown. It's about the rush and the possibility.  It's a feeling E and I have not had beyond metaphor in a long time. We may very well never feel again for a person, and if we do it will have to be ushered in by some terrible tragedy. We don't want to feel it for real ever again.

(I use "my boyfriend" or "my new boyfriend" in a slightly different professional context. Mostly I use it to indicate the crush I have on a man's intellectual output, usually his writing.)

cooking, marriage, e, work

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