Meme! From Salixbabylon!

Mar 15, 2010 11:49

A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."

1. I have very dry skin, and need to moisturize my hands 100 times a day. I can *never* be caught without chapstick or lip gloss or something moist for my lips.

2. I'm terrified of going down escalators. I will conquer my fear one day, but right now it's fairly paralyzing. I can roller coasters, elevators, been on top of the CN tower, Mt Washington, The Seattle space tip thing, it's not heights, it's the actual mechanism.

3. I'm an athiest, but I am passionate about classical religious music.

Handel's Messiah to me is one of the most exciting, moving pieces of music ever. Same for Haydn's Requiem & Verdi's Requiem. Words cannot describe what it does to me to stand on a stage with a full orchestra and sing these powerful works. I can honestly say it's almost as good as the best sex I've ever had.

4. In contrast with my dear friend, I am fanatical about hair removal. For years I even shaved my arms. I started trying to trim my pubes the day they began to grow. I shave more for comfort & pleasure than vanity though.

5. I cannot face anything until I've showered. When I wake up, I feel like a dead person who's suddenly been revived...I'm all confused, can't see, and I feel grubby like I've spent the last 10 years in a sarcophagus. It's the one thing I can't live without. Every nook & cranny has to be clean before I can even think about anything for the day.

6. I sing ridiculous songs to my bunnies when I'm home, constantly. I take pop songs and put rabbit lyrics to them. THEY LOVE it when I sing to them, the sillier the song the more binkies (happy bunny dance) I get. ;) Some examples:

She Works Hard for the Bunnies
You're once, twice, free times a bunny (anyone remember Eddie Murphy?)
You're no bun till some bun loves you
Sunshine on my bunny makes me happy
The Chicken dance sung with lyrics "bunny bunny bunny bun/bunny bunny bunny bun/ bunny bunny bunny bun, bun bun bun bun...."
The Love Boat Theme "Buns, exciting & new..."
Meow Mix song, in crazy cat voice (this elicits eye rolls from the kids, but I enjoy it.)
and more songs with rabbit replacement lyrics

7. My favorite musical of all time is The Sound of Music. I will never tire of it, it still makes me swoon, I still get all feminist over "16 going on 17", I still get gaga over the Captain. And Julie Andrews - is the best EVER. :)

I don't know if anyone besides Salix and HoS read my blog, but if you're on my Flist I want you to do the Meme too! :)


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