Hey, everyone!
Finally spring has come here and the sun is shining \( *o* )/
A week ago I had a trip to Saint-Petersburg, where I visited J-Rock Day convention. There was a contest for lolitas and also the photo contest. I participated both of them, and can you imagine? I won 2nd prize for my performance and 3rd prize for the Christmas photoset (a post below).
Here's my look at the convention:
And here is the video of my defile
Click to view
The convention was reaaly great. I enjoyed it so much *__* And there were so many cute lolitas! May be I'll post photos of them later (or may be I'm too lazy for that, haha)
Just one photo of me with Spiro. Love her style so much *__*
The day after convention I visited lolita meetup. I can't describe how warm and friendly the athmospere was, Saint-Petersburg girls are so nice and cute ♥ I hope to see them again as soon as possible!
And that's how I spent my previous weeked =)