2018 Year End Meme

Dec 31, 2018 13:26

Which TV shows did you let go of in 2018?When I first started thinking about this question, I couldn’t come up with an answer. I’m not watching very many shows right now, and as a result, I haven’t really given up on any of them this year. But after thinking about it, I realized that there’s one genre I’ve nearly completely abandoned: late night ( Read more... )

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wenchsenior January 1 2019, 15:49:18 UTC
Oh, good, glad it wasn't just me that found Black Jewels crazy. I know that series was big back in the day.

My husband isn't flying birds regularly any more. It's not really compatible with his time-demanding job as a biologist/professor (though he's currently on federal unpaid leave and I'm surprised he hasn't mentioned how much hunting he could be getting in while twiddling his thumbs) b/c falconry is SO time consuming during hunting season. But he will occasionally take a friend's bird if it's already trained and the friend doesn't have time to fly it that season. That seems an ok trade-off b/c it takes the really difficult parts of capture, taming, and training the bird out of the equation (and just leaves the "he must hunt with it nearly every day so it doesn't go stir-crazy" demands lol). Last time he did this we had a freezer full of rabbits by winter's end, courtesy of his friend's lethal male Harris' hawk, which was nice.

He does occasionally use falconry birds in his scientific research as well, but he tends to rely on his friends who are flying birds for that.

It's an emotionally demanding sport. Personally, while I love raptors and have worked with them for research purposes, I always worry when he gets geared up to train a new bird. So many things can be stressful and challenging and sometimes heartbreaking (e.g., we had bird electrocute itself in front of us landing on a transformer, and it's also not uncommon for the bird to just be lost when it just up and abandons you and heads for the hills). There's the specialty vet bills, and the specialty permits, and facility inspections, and specialty food, etc. So I tend to mostly experience it from the 'stress and responsibility side', and of course I don't fly the bird, so I don't have the incredible moments of strange communion that keeps my husband hooked. Falconers are a bit of an odd bunch.


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