(no subject)

Mar 13, 2012 13:40

I didn't have any plans to post today, but I have to post a link to today's Drama Derby at Vulture.com, where they're pitting TV shows against each other to choose the greatest TV drama of the past 25 years. Today is Buffy vs. Deadwood, and Buffy wins. Yay! But the most notable thing about this piece, from a mainstream pop culture website, is this:

By contrast, Buffy the Vampire Slayer is in many ways still alive - not just in the numerous comics and books that have been spun from the show, but in fans’ hearts and minds, as well. Perhaps no character demonstrates this better than Spike. Played by James Marsters, he’s one of the best characters created for TV. He’s a vampire (picture Billy Idol with fangs) who was originally introduced as the “Big Bad” out to destroy Buffy. But as most vampires in Sunnydale are prone to do, he fell in love with her, first in a hate-sex way, and then in a true-love type of way that made viewers forget all about that dope Angel.

What's this? A mainstream outlet that doesn't think Buffy's love life stopped existing after Angel left town? Acknowledgement that Spike/Buffy was far more interesting that Angel/Buffy? This is such a rare occurrence (for contrast, check out another recent article Pajiba's 115 Reasons Why We Love Joss Whedon's Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which has some charming bits but zero reference to S/B except a mention of the engagement spell and a screencap from Seeing Red. Yeah.) that I felt like it couldn't pass by without comment.

Also, while I'm here writing about something Joss-related, I have to say I'm still pretty excited about The Cabin in the Woods, especially after it's debut at SXSW and the reviews that came out afterwards. If you don't want to be spoiled (and I'm not, much) but would like to read a review, I recommend this one from NPR, which doesn't give away anything not apparent from the trailers. I know it's cool now to hate Joss and all, but I still love the way he writes characters and dialogue, and I'm looking forward to seeing something new from him.

movies, buffy

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