(no subject)

Mar 10, 2012 12:27

Holy crap on a cracker, y'all. Fifty Shades of Grey, the erotic Twilight fanfic that became a self-published bestselling hit, has just been picked up by a major publisher for a seven figure sum.

This week, Vintage Books, part of the Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, known for its highbrow literary credentials, won a bidding war for the rights to all three books, paying a seven-figure sum.

On Monday, the publisher will release new e-book editions of the trilogy. Weeks later will come a 750,000-copy print run of redesigned paperback editions.

SEVEN FUCKING FIGURES. Go back and count those zeros. This woman just made a fortune off of her smutty Twilight fanfic.

And now the floodgates are open. No aspiring author has to be secretive about writing dirty fanfic anymore, because that's officially the kind of thing that hits Number one on the NY Times Fiction Bestseller List. Son of a bitch! (I'm sorry, expletives seem like the only correct reaction to this kind of news.) Well, I feel like an early adapter. I've been reading smutty fic for more than a decade now! Where were all these people when I was reading about Mulder and Scully tearing each other's clothes off, huh?


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