
Oct 02, 2011 13:10

I don't know if it's because I've been watching so many new shows lately, or if it's just the cycles of the moon or whatever, but I'm in a heavy Buffy nostalgia mood today, which led me to thinking about rewatching episodes. So, here's a question: when you're in the mood to get just a BtVS "fix", not rewatch the entire series or engage in *deep ( Read more... )


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Comments 28

snickfic October 2 2011, 17:21:10 UTC
If I'm just feeling in a Buffy mood, S4 is my go-to season, especially the stretch from The Initiative through Doomed. Silly, fluffy, lots of Spike/Scoobies and Spike/Buffy snark, plus of course Hush. Beer Bad, too, and Superstar.

EDIT: And yes, Restless, definitely! I didn't care for Restless at first, but it's grown on me more with every rewatch. I've been feeling due for another one, in fact. :)

I'm also terribly fond of some of the lighter stuff in S2. I think my favorite for rewatching purposes is probably Halloween.


molly_may October 2 2011, 17:46:54 UTC
Beer Bad should really be on my "almost" list at least. I've watched it a bunch of times because it always makes me laugh. Halloween isn't one I reach for automatically necessarily, but it's one that I always enjoy when I do watch it.


blackfrancine October 2 2011, 17:25:36 UTC
For easy watching, I tend to go a lot to seasons 4 and 5. Like Living Conditions, Something Blue, Triangle, and Checkpoint. But I also really like Homecoming and Life Serial. Ooh! And I almost forgot Intervention, which is not only probably my favorite episode of the series, it's also one of my most watched.

I love your list, but Restless and Fool For Love make me think too many thoughts. And they also make me want to watch the whole show over again.

ETA: I totally missed the fanfic part of the question! Stories I reread again and again are
Thought You Should Know by angearia, Look Who's Stalking by candysays, Butterfly Effect by cousinjean.

I don't know what it says about me that 2 of the 3 of those are WIPs. And yet I still find them super comforting.


No one deserves a mime. molly_may October 2 2011, 17:56:34 UTC
Living Conditions is another one like Beer Bad that I have watched many, many times because it always makes me laugh.

Thanks for coming back and adding fanfic! "Butterfly Effect" is definitely one of my comfort reads too. I enjoyed "Look Who's Stalking" when I read it, but I don't think I've ever reread it (so maybe I should!), and while I've read the first few chapters of "Thought You Should Know" and enjoyed them very much, I think I'm going to wait for it to be finished before I read the whole thing, just because I love sinking into long, well-written fanfic knowing that there's a satisfactory ending waiting for me.:)


teragramm October 2 2011, 17:37:41 UTC
The episodes I like to re-watch really depend on my mood, it I want sexy, funny, scary etc. Not counting my mood swing, my most watched episodes are; (in no particular order) Tabula Rasa, Something Blue, Fool for Love, Touched, Intervention.


molly_may October 2 2011, 17:57:48 UTC
Heh, I've watched certain scenes from Touched a number of times, but tend to skip what is probably the majority of the episode! I agree though, whatever I'm in the mood for plays a big part in what I choose to watch.


doublemeat October 3 2011, 12:01:14 UTC
So funny -- 4 of those 5 are on my most-watched list also, for when I just want to relax or have something on in the background. Touched requires a little too much concentration for me to put it in that category, though. The fifth would definitely be Doppelgangland. I never, never get tired of that ep.


devilscrayon October 2 2011, 17:39:04 UTC
I also tend to go for S4 and parts of S5 for my "quick fix". Some I've watched a lot as stand-alones: Pangs, Initiative, A New Man, Fool For Love, Triangle, Intervention, Checkpoint, and believe it or not, Into The Woods. The Spike-Riley scene in that episode is simply delicious to me. Also from S6, Life Serial. From S2, School Hard. From S3, Band Candy and Lovers Walk.

The over-arching theme in my list is humor and snark, with a healthy sprinkling of Spike :)


molly_may October 2 2011, 18:03:50 UTC
It looks like S4 is the go-to season for a lot of people looking for a quick fix! That makes perfect sense to me, since there are so many fun episodes not weighted down by a deeper arc.

believe it or not, Into The Woods. The Spike-Riley scene in that episode is simply delicious to me.

Heee, unsurprisingly, that one is nowhere near my list. But it's nice that other people can appreciate it!


petzipellepingo October 2 2011, 18:19:44 UTC
That's pretty much what I'd pick although I might substitute Hush for Restless now and again.


molly_may October 2 2011, 19:31:58 UTC
I think Hush is excellent, but I don't rewatch it very often. I'm not sure why that is.


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