Feb 26, 2022 00:11
I hate my job.
I love my job.
My job is horrible.
My job is wonderful.
My job holds me back.
My job enables my life.
My job defines who I am.
My job is only part of me.
I love helping people at my job.
I hate dealing with people at my job.
The rules are overly binding.
The rules offer independence.
My job is really easy.
My job is very difficult.
My job is extremely frustrating.
My job is fascinating.
My job is very detailed.
My job is very general.
My job is important.
My job is unimportant.
I feel needed at my job.
I feel superfluous at my job.
I feel valued at my job.
I feel disposable at my job.
I can't reconcile my feelings about this job.