(no subject)

Apr 30, 2008 10:09

Life is not like a box of chocolates.

Life is like a typhoon, sucking you up and pitching you out into the ocean, where you flounder your way back toward shore, only to be sucked up and thrown back out even farther. In deeper water. With cement shoes. And lead underwear.

You'd think a workout like that would burn more calories.

On to the interesting news: DH and I are going to Ireland at the end of June. It's a business trip, but he's taking me along. It'll be fun, I'm sure. We had to get passports. That was an educational experience. DH already got his; it only took a bit more than a week! Mine hasn't arrived yet. I suspect they tapped into my LJ and are just double-checking to see if I'm dead, since I haven't posted in months. Or they skimmed my fics and are wondering if I'm sane enough to travel.

So, tomorrow is May and we still have snow. We had another blizzard just last weekend and they're forecasting snow again Friday. The kids only have two weeks left of school before they get out for summer. I think we'll wait and sign up for the August session of swimming lessons this year. Maybe it'll be warm by then, lol.

Happy Wednesday!
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