Jan 21, 2006 18:52
Dear Mest,
You have taken my heart and thrown it into a brick wall 20,000 times. Then, you have ripped it into tiny little, pieces and spit on it. Not just ordinary spit either. Big, disgusting, juicy, flemy, sticky, slimey, lugies - the kind you have when you have bronchitus or something. (p.s. i've never had bronchitus) (p.p.s I don't know how to spell bronchitus). From there, you have taken this shreaded, slimey, mess and stepped in it, 123,456,098 times. And finally, you have put it all back together, appologized, and done the same thing again. Except the second time, it was worse. You did all of the fore-mentioned and then fed it to an alligator, and when the alligator threw it up, you layed the remains out on route 495 during rush hour. Thank you.
p.s. I think people should be nicer and more honest, and no, this is not one of those lame, immature, comments where one subtly attempts to target one person publicly, it is just an honest and general statement.