Just follow the star** in your heart<3

Mar 15, 2005 17:01

Hi~ S0 its 0nly tuesday =( sucks. Well this weekend was a l0tta fun! 0n Friday Chalisa, Emily and Me went t0 Zachy's t0 hang 0ut. Id never met him bef0re I d0nt think cept at like maybe a f00tball game 0r s0mething but hes really nice and I had a l0t 0f fun =) We were just hanging out and eating some frosted flakes with t0ny the tiger! yessssss! Chalisa left her fone in Zachy's car when he brought us home so we had to go track that down at like 12 at night! Then Saturday it snowed and stuff and we were supposed to go up to Oak Glen but we werent sure if we were gunna get to go then and me and chalisa were kinda sad. But my mom ended up takin us up and it was a lot of fun. We always have fun with them though. We made Brad and Eric watch Cinderella Story cause they are cool like that! They didn complain tooooo bad though lol Then we came home and crashed. Sunday was church as usual and then i came home and cleaned and slept. The normal sunday. Sleeeeeep cause usually im dead by then. Then woke up and got on here and talked to David on the phone for a while. Monday in school we finished disecting that frog and I think thats about all the interestingness that happened. Then today was just another boring day in school. In math we arent doing anything cause all of the sophmores are gone because of ogt's so we just sit and do nothing. Skinner, Jen, Kayla, Caitlin and Me sat and talked about fooooood the whole class lol. Then by lunch i was starving. I slept in studyhall and i keep jumping in my sleep. English is getting terrible i havent turned in so many comp papers that i prolly hardcore have an f in there. But i finished my yearbook page for ffa finally....geeeeesh took me like 3 weeks. I hate freshman cause i dont know any of there names. Now im sitting here talkin to the AwEsOmE pOsSuM NICK WELLS!!! WHO IS A SCHOOL SKIPPER!! but its ok i still love you! umMM...they took away next thursday we were supposed to have off for easter because we have a make up day. BLAH TO THEM! I got this new icon and i heart it cause i figured out how to do it so i wont have to keep asking brad to do it for me. I want this week to be over now...anyways im gunna go nap so im out loves...

~Later~Muah xoxo ~

**Beginnings are scary * Endings are sad. It’s the ->middle<- that counts the most, so don’t looks so hard for hApPy EnDiNgS cause you might miss the … .. …..
((Best Part of the Story))
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