[art] drawings on my notes

Oct 05, 2008 05:40

all my classes are boring, so I draw on my notes a lot. one grimmjow, and one original character.

try to read the actual notes. I FUCKING DARE YOU.

rating: G
time: less than an hour
mediums: a kickass pencil

drawn an at angle, I know, I fail. he's saying "that's a kickass pencil" because I found this pencil that was light blue with a leopard print on it and I was like "GRIMMJOW PENCIL!" because I'm a weeaboo fgt. oh and then I lost it lol

rating: G
time: less than an hour
mediums: a normal mechanical pencil. :(

this is my original character Lamprecht for Megiddo2012. I drew his hair too big... ugh. well for no references, this turned out okay.

megiddo2012, original art, bleach, lamprecht, art, grimmjow, fanart

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